Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Knitter's Frolic

Mark your calendars.  The Knitter's Frolic (put on by the Downtown Knit Collective) is coming up soon.

Saturday April 30, 2011
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre - Toronto

There are also classes running on Saturday and Sunday.  You can read more about the Frolic and the classes being offered on the DKC website.

It is hard to believe that this will be the 14th year for the Frolic.  I think this will be our sixth.

I pulled out a few pictures of last year's booth. This will help me to remember what we had.

I don't like to duplicate too much.  New is always good (and we will have lots of new for this year).

On the DKC website they have a few tips for shoppers.  Here are a few from me
-If you don't like crowds then plan to arrive after noon.  It starts to thin out a bit and it is easier for you to get into the booths.  This could mean that you might miss out on some of the hand dyed yarns.
-Bring your own lunch. Why waste time standing in line when you could be shopping?
-Parking can be an issue so car pool if possible
-If you see something you like write down the booth number.  It is amazing how many people are running around at the end of the day looking for xyz and they can't remember where they saw it.