Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, April 16, 2007

A very busy day

Jane works in the store on Mondays so that I can have some time to rest. That didn't happen today. Here was my day

  • work on my GST return-which included going through three months of credit card statements to make sure that I have everything entered
  • pay suppliers
  • do mail orders
  • do my tax return-I'm getting a small refund
  • clean up unread mail
  • go to the warehouse to find something on the old computer for Beth and pick up some yarn
  • a quick stop at Walmart-I picked out a coffee maker last week in my travels and it was $170 at two different stores-$149 at Walmart-I didn't buy it but I know where to go when I am ready for it
  • go to visit townhouse we are looking at-we need to get a list of upgrades to the builder for pricing
  • have a pedicure and my nails filled (they are very pretty now)
  • get dinner-can't beat Swiss Chalet

    I took a lot of pictures while I was in the townhouse. This could be my favourite-a big bathtub to soak in!!! You can see the edge of the glass shower to the left of the picture.


    Rhonda said...

    That looks like the bathtub in my dreams!!!!

    Samantha said...

    Sure sounds busy! That's a great tub ... it looks like the one we've got picked out when we put a bathroom in our (finished) basement. My goal is to have something I can sit in, and relax with a bottle, er, I mean, glass of wine, and not be bothered ...