Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hitchhiker times 4

I made it to the fourth colour this morning. I highly recommend Hitchhiker if you are looking for a mindless project that looks great. I'm having fun using the gradient kit and have my eyes on another one when this one is finished.
Sarah just sent me a text.
Ball 3 started. 2 to go! Amazing how the colours blend. At first you don't even notice a difference.
It looks like she's having fun knitting the scarf too.

This was the post that I started Friday afternoon and was going to post last night. It didn't happen so I'm going to add to it.

Wannietta sent a picture this morning.
Not blocked yet, but it's done. I really love it.
I can't wait to see it in person. I really thought that I had a chance at beating her but she is too fast.
I made it to the fifth ball. I had to be quick getting the picture - the rain had stopped but the trees were dripping on me and the knitting. I think it should be finished tonight. One week. I'll get at least one more finished before the Fleece Festival.
Cathy just started her third ball. She is using a Frabjous kit like Wannietta and Lynn. Her colours are going green to turquoise.

Now I need to go play with the Hedgehog. I can't decide which colours I want but I know that I need some.