Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Knitter's Book of Knowledge

Debbie Bliss is one of the world's most respected knitwear designers and authors—and The Knitter's Book of Knowledge is the distillation of her decades of experience into one indispensable reference. With information on everything from needles and yarns to tensioning and casting on, basic stitches to buttonholes and beading, cabling and entrelac to finishing embellishments, it's the ultimate guide every knitter needs.
Mr. UPS brought me a surprise yesterday - Debbie's new book. The publisher sent an email asking if I would like to receive a copy to review. Of course I wanted to see it.
This essential addition to every knitter’s shelf includes:
·        Information on popular types, weights, and fibers of yarn.
·        Tips on understanding the language and terminology of written patterns.
·        Shaping techniques that range in trickiness and produce various results.
·        A variety of methods for color and texture embellishments.
·        Instructions for designing your own knits.
·        Troubleshooting when you’ve made an error.
The book is very comprehensive. 320 pages to be exact.

I asked Lynn to look at the book and give me her comments.
She had me at the Table of Contents. I was very impressed. The book looks comprehensive with many, many diagrams.
Copies of the book will be in the store in the next few weeks. Email or call and I will reserve a copy for you.

We are going to do a draw and one lucky winner will receive a copy. Leave a comment below with your Ravelry name or your first name, last initial and province or state. We will draw for the winner on Sunday, November 22, 2015. All comments must be received by noon EST on the 22nd.  The draw is open to residents of Canada and the US.

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