Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Golfing in winter?

This was sitting at the back door when I got home tonight. Who needs a putter in the middle of winter?

I'm not sure what happened to yesterday's post. I started it on my laptop and then finished at home on the computer. I didn't close it on my laptop (my bad) and hit something this morning. I think it changed the post from my finished version to the started version. If you saw this picture yesterday, sorry. It's not on yesterday's post now so I'm showing it today.

Lynn has joined the final colour into her Ombre Cowl Hood. I love her colours and can't wait to see it finished. Now I want to do another one. I'm thinking double strand of Kidsilk Haze Stripe.

The guys were at our house very early this morning to start on the yard. They started with an outline of the putting green.
The grass on the putting green is shorter than the regular grass. Just like on the golf course.
You can see how fuzzy the main yard is.
The back yard is being mowed. They take a special machine over it which takes out the fuzziness and makes the grass look like grass. Beth was too busy this afternoon putting to get a picture of it finished. I'll try and remember to get one in the morning.

I'm going to do a few rows on The Doodler before another early night. They are coming at 7:30 tomorrow morning to put up our temporary fence. Then Beth and the dogs can move back home.

Beth and I watched Sunday night's Homeland last night and you shouldn't knit while watching that show. You need to pay attention. After she got back to my parents I sent her a text saying that I messed up my knitting and had to rip out 4 rows. This was her response.
I need to get the cabled section finished and move on quickly or it might go in a bag in the corner because I am sick of ripping out. I'm just joking. Kind of.