September KAL
You choose the shawl/wrap that you would like to knit. Please make this a new project - not finishing one that you have started. Auburn Wave and Itineris would make a great choice if you didn't join in our previous KALs. Or if you did participate and liked the pattern that much :) . You have until October 15 to finish it. Please send me pictures when finished so that I can share. I will also start a thread in the Needle Emporium group on Ravelry for you to share pictures. If you finish more than one shawl or wrap in that time then you will be entered for each one. Yes, there are going to be prizes. The prizes are for residents of Canada - sorry shipping out of the country is cost prohibitive.-a Soakbox of your choice from the kits in the store
-2 skeins of Rowan Fine Art - your choice of colour
-there will be more prizes added. Stay tuned.
What am I going to make? My first project (which has a deadline of 10 days) is the Cane Bay Wrap. It takes two skeins of Blue Sky Alpacas Extra and 6.5mm needles.
You don't have to use fingering weight for this KAL. Worsted, or thicker, is good as long as it is a shawl or a wrap.
If you're stuck, please send me an email. I'll help you come up with something awesome to make.
We have the winners from the Itineris KAL. Thanks to everyone who took part in the fun.Ravellers
-Stefanotis and Seajaes each won 2 skeins of tosh merino light or Mrs. Crosby Satchel in the colour of their choice
Now I need to cast on but before I can I must dig through the box of needles for the right size. I'm going to take that box to Cathy soon for her to put my needles in order. She loves organizing.