Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Rosetta Tharpe

Kate Atherley has a new shawl. I'm hoping that she brings it to Camp and then leaves it behind. I WANT IT!
Ms. Tharpe is not well known, but those who do know her call her the Godmother of Rock & Roll. Born in 1915, she was a gospel performer of great sophistication and skill, but also had rather a way with a guitar. 
You can read more about her here: 
This shawl is like Ms. Tharpe – classic in origin and inspiration, drawing on simple elements, but coming together in way that’s both elegant and bad-ass at the same time.It’s based on the Pi shaping: starts at the center with nine stitches, with an increase round to double the stitch count every so often. The edging stitch pattern is flexible: work until you’ve run out of yarn, or the shawl is the size you want, or you just can’t take it anymore and want to wear the thing. 
The project requires only basic lace knitting skills, and being worked in the round, there’s none of that pesky purling. The only tricky bit is the start: you begin with a small round, but that’s over quickly. 
Wear Ms. Tharpe folded over your shoulders like a triangle, or fully open for more drama and coverage. The fabric is weighty enough, and the piece big enough that it stays very nicely in place.

You can purchase the pattern on Ravelry...

The yarn choices
-Mrs. Crosby Hat Box
-tosh pashmina
-Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sport
-Lorna's Laces Sportmate
-tosh sport
-Classic Elite Fresco

Gillian Martin took the awesome pictures.

Knit this mens patterned cardigan, the member's exclusive free pattern for August 2014. Designed by Lisa Richardson using the lovely combination of Summerspun (cotton and wool) and Revive (cotton and silk), the stunning geomteric pattern on this cardigan is knitted using the fairisle technique and the garment has deep rib edgings and turn back collar and square set in sleeves.
Download the pattern (it's free)... 

Mr. Canpar, Mr. Canada Post and Mr. UPS brought in boxes today. It is shaping up to be a great fall. There is so much yarn amazingness (I know that this isn't a word but I like it)!!