Saturday was crazy busy in the store. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining but I was tired when I got home. Beth and I headed out for a while and then it was bed time. Yesterday was football. I did get a bit of knitting done but didn't finish the scarf as I had planned.
This morning a newsletter went out. You can download it here. Since then I have worked a bit on my Ravelry advertising. I keep forgetting to add new yarns to the list of yarns we carry when they arrive. Then a bit of updating the website. Orders were placed. Boxes packed for the post office. Now I'm off to the bank.
Then possibly a trip to Toronto. We need book shelves for our loft. Beth has a small reading problem and there are books everywhere. More books than yarn if you can believe that. I have been wanting to go for weeks but I think I can fit it in today. The shelves are at Crate and Barrel. I don't like that store (HA-LOVE IT) so it won't be a hardship.
It's just after 5 and I'm home. I don't know how people sit in traffic daily. I was only in it for an hour and want to hurt someone.
Beth beat me home. Was something wrong? No. She wanted to carve a pumpkin. She's outside right now (not really warm) working away.
Here is the pumpkin already on our front step. The accessories came from the Balls Falls Craft Show. What an easy way to decorate a pumpkin.
The second pumpkin started out okay. Then a small accident. She was trying to go too fast and the face didn't make it. We have a pumpkin with a large hole. The good news-it is easy to put the candle in.
Crate and Barrel today. What fun. I bought a Christmas decoration for the house. We have the small tree. It is already on the mantel. Why take it downstairs and then bring it up in a few weeks?
I also bought one of Beth's Christmas presents. I think she figured it out when I brought the box in the house but don't tell her.
The the reason I went. Book shelves. We had picked these out a while ago. I think they should hold the books, video games and DVDs.
We are sitting in the kitchen waiting for kids. None so far. Where are they??