Speaking of the Frolic, I need to thank all the volunteers from the DKC for their work putting on this amazing event.
The sweater is from Sirdar-knit in their new Juicy.
Coach sure is a piece of work. He has preached for the past how many weeks that he was going to play the game and not lie but he sure got caught last night. I think voting Sierra off was a great move. Coach and Debbie think they are golden but hopefully that changes next week.
I did not shed any tears when Andrea left Hell's Kitchen last night. My prediction is that Paula will win.
A new shawl newsletter went out this morning. A general newsletter will go out next week. Monday I am off to Toronto to see the new yarns for fall from Noro and Sirdar. Then I will see the new Rowan on Tuesday so the newsletter is put on hold until I have some exciting news for you.
The first sleeve of my Silk Garden Lite cardigan was cast off this afternoon and the ribbing is started on the second sleeve. Somehow some yarn jumped in my knitting bag as I was walking out the store. A shawl is in the near future.