Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


I downloaded a new iPhone app last night called Photogene. While watching Idol there was a commercial for it and it looked great. I played a bit today-now I can add nice words to pictures.

These are three new colours of Pearl-the bamboo/silk blend from Lorna's Laces. We also have Amy's Vintage Office, Mixed Berries and Ashburn. I can't wait to see the finished scarf.

Okay, back to Idol. We tape the show and start watching about half an hour in so we can fast forward through Paula and the commercials. The show is going on and we look at the time-it isn't going to finish during the hour time slot-What?? We saw all the performances except for Adam. Now we have to tape the show (and the next show) on the west coast feed to catch him sing-which meant staying up until midnight because we couldn't wait until tonight. Here are Beth's questions. What would happen if Adam was voted off because people missed his performance? Can he sue Fox?

We received many boxes again today. I can't wait for dad to get home next week-he has many, many truck loads of empty boxes to clean up for me.

Five colours of Silk Garden came in. Did you see my Tweet? Do you follow my Tweets? The website has been updated with these colours. There are some new yarns on the site as well including Berroco Sox Metallic.

I am almost done ball four on my cardigan. After writing this I am going upstairs to watch Lie to Me and knit.

After work I went to have my nails done. It is supposed to be a relaxing experience. My time away from the computer and phone. There is a lady in there who talked non stop on her cell phone at the top of her lungs. Is that necessary? Do I need to hear her yelling at her husband? Some days I really wish that cell phones hadn't been invented!!


Brendaknits said...

I'm with you on the cell phones. Users seem to think the guy on the other end of the one is deaf.

Wanderingcatstudio said...

Crap... there goes the money I was saving. I have to grab a couple skeins of those!

Dawn Clarke said...

Yes, follow your tweets. The Rowan site is the slowest, why don't they do something about it? It makes me crazy when I want to look at the yarns

Unknown said...

Yes ! i follow your tweets. I love them.
And: why IS the Rowan site so slow.
i really love Rowan, but this site has been slow for years. it's as if the website has to swim across the Atlantic to come into my computer.

Thanks for the scoop on the photogene app. I've downloaded several new apps in the last week & i'm really pleased when i find Great ones.