Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, March 23, 2009

SO your FO

Heather was in the store on Saturday a great scarf. The pattern is "That Little Scarf" by Anne Hanson. She used 2 skeins of Alpaca Silk from Blue Sky Alpacas (more arrived today). You can see more of Heather's work on Ravelry-Greenerknits. Heather was also the first person to sign up for Camp Knit Away.

When I was in Chicago, more than one speaker talked about Social Networking. Big words but what do they mean? Did you know that email is going to be a thing of the past? The thing they told us to look at is Twitter. I can't tell you much about it but I have signed up and my name is NeedleEmporium.

The New York Times calls Twitter "one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet." TIME Magazine says, "Twitter is on its way to becoming the next killer app," and Newsweek noted that "Suddenly, it seems as though all the world's a-twitter." What will you think?