Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Make Notes!!!

I am working away on my Noro cardigan. The first front band is knit and sewn on. The bottom edge is garter stitch and then 10 stitches are put on a stitch holder to be picked up later and worked in garter stitch to go up the front edge. The collar is half done but I forgot to bring yarn home to finish it. There might be a road trip in a couple of minutes. Amazing Race and Celebrity Apprentice tonight. Maybe I can get the collar done.

There were a few speed bumps along the way when knitting my cardigan.
  • I didn't know what size needle I used for the bottom bands. The pattern said 3.25mm but there was a 3.75mm in the bag. I worked the border of one sleeve with the 3.75mm only to find out that it was the wrong size. Write down the needles you use-if you are like me and start a project only to put it away and pick up at a later date it will make your life much easier
  • Make sure you put enough yarn put away for your project. I did not do that and don't have enough yarn-luckily the yarn is self striping and all I have left is the collar.