Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, April 27, 2018

One more sleep

We're home from Toronto and the booth is mostly set up. We need to hang the rest of the garments in the morning and we're ready to do. 

Beth had dinner ready for us and now it's bed time. 5am will be here before I want it to be.

We're in Kobayashi Hall, booth 10. Please stop by and say Hi.

The store will be open tomorrow from 10-4. We left Cathy lots of yarn :)


Mel said...

I really hope I can make it to this show one day - hope you have a lovely time and a nice turnout of customers!

Can you tell me what pattern was used for the first shawl at the very top of this post? The one that looks like >< with the point in the middle! Thank you.

Julie said...

Hi Mel
The pattern is Starting Point by Joji. This is the same shape as her new pattern Fading Point.