What is this going to be? The Bambara Wrap from Ambah.
The pink across the top (a potluck colour) will be my 'pop' colour - C1.
From left to right
Studio - C3
Lullaby - C4
Galaxy - C2
The sample uses a 3 colour speckle gradient with a brighter colour “pop”. C1 is the colour “pop”, C2 is the darkest of the gradient trio, , C3 is the lightest colour and C4 is the middle shade of the gradient trio.I worked on the website this afternoon and the yarn is there. I have added all the colours that Steffi has named and now need to start working on the potlucks.
Wannietta and Joan came for a visit this afternoon (Wannietta needed yarn for What the Fade?!) so I gave Wannietta yarn for her next project.
It is a Prism Merino Mia Gradient Pack in the new colour Teal. What's it going to be?
So Faded in the classic length with long sleeves. I've challenged her to have it finished for The Knitters' Fair. She says she's fast. We'll see :)
The sweater is knit from the top down and we are going to start with the lightest colour and work to the darkest. I've asked Wannietta to send pictures while she's working on the sweater.
Now I need to decide if I can drag myself upstairs to wind yarn or if I'll wait until tomorrow to do that.