Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Winter Cove is finished - blocked and all ends are sewn in. I make that sound like a big deal. There were only 4 ends :)

Perfect timing because more colours of Rasta arrived today
 Lettuce and Paris Night

Along with the Rasta we received some Royale Interchangeable Tips from Knitter's Pride. These tips will work with the cords from any Knitter's Pride kit. The Royale tips come in 3mm and 3.25mm. Smaller than the Dreamz which start at 3.5mm.

There was a second box today. Norah Gaughan's new book arrived. I haven't had time to go through it but I know Norah's work. The cables are going to be phenomenal.

We've had dinner (Festive Special from Swiss Chalet) and now it's time to knit. I definitely don't want to go out tonight - we're having freezing rain right now. YUCK!!