We had a great day at the Woodstock Fleece Festival yesterday.
Thank you to Sarah, Lynn and Wannietta for all of their help. I couldn't do the shows without these three. Thank you to Cathy who worked in the store. And a huge thank you to Beth. She helped me pack, set up and take down.
Thank you to the Woodstock Fleece Festival and all of their volunteers for another fabulous day. Every year I'm dreading doing the show. We've had a very busy September with the Knitters' Fair and Camp. Then packing again for another show makes me want to cry. We arrive in Woodstock and their volunteers are waiting and help us unload our vehicles which is so helpful. Saturday morning before the show opens they feed us pancakes. Woodstock always feels more relaxed and then I realize why I keep signing up for the show.
Our neighbours were Sericin Silkworks. I should have blogged these pictures from their booth on Friday evening to make sure you stopped in to see Taby but I'm kind of glad that I didn't.
You might have found these four skeins of yarn that came home with me. I looked at them all day and somehow they made it into my bag - 50% silk and 50% yak. YUMMY!!
I planned on blogging last night but there were a few more important things. Beth informed me before leaving Woodstock that Roko had a mark on his side. She thought it might be a hot spot. We got home and I freaked. It looked awful. I made her take him to the emergency vets. Yes, it's a hot spot and he wants to lick it. This is what he looks like.
The awful cone. He isn't liking it but is also playing it up to get cookies and snuggles.
Today is a day for resting and knitting. The big decision - which project to work on.