Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

The Reverb Shawl

My knitting is growing. Not fast but I'm plugging away. The darn rows are getting longer :)
While I was outside taking pictures, I took out Exploration Station. I'm not sure if I ever showed a finished picture after the ends were sewn in and it was blocked.

The dates have been set for Knitting Camp 2016.

We will be going to Bayview-Wildwood on Thursday, September 22-Sunday September, 25.

Now I need to work on our instructors.

After work, Beth and I went to Costco to pick up some things for Monday nights dinner. They had dog beds so now we have two. They posed nicely for a picture and now Roko is back on the couch and Melo is lying on the tile floor. Silly dogs.

It's knitting time. Survivor is taping. The baseball game is on. The Leafs are playing. An all round busy evening.