Let your inner knitter out with peek-a-boots™, clear rain boots that let you show off hand-knit socks, designer tights or a killer tattoo. Waterproof with streamlined styling, these boots will coordinate with any outfit. These boots are right at home in the garden, on the beach, or in the city.The boots are available in sizes 7, 8 and 9. I don't have stock but they can be ordered and take about a week to arrive.
$70 a pair.
We have two new colours of Liberty Prints from Classic Elite.
7824 Cupcake
7825 Rose Explosion
Kate's classes in May are filling up.
Fearless Finishing is full but we are taking names in case we can add another session.
Short Rows has room for one more person.
Two Socks in One has room for two more people.
The Lonely Tree Shawl has been cast off. Tonight it is going for a bath in Soak (YUZU-my new favourite scent) and then I will pull out my blocking wires.
Theresa asked what Beth's newest project is going to be. Another Linen Stitch Scarf. She is totally addicted!
It's later in the day and Beth just stopped in on her way home from work. We have a problem. Normally we do the Linen Stitch Scarf on a 7mm needle. I had her use a 6.5mm for this one because the yarn is slightly thinner. She knits on the tight side as well so I thought it would be okay. SWATCH!!! The needle is still too big. We are going to rip it out when I get home and start again on a 6mm needle. I'm sighing just thinking about it. Knitter's Frolic and her schlepping boxes will get me through it.