Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Linen Stitch Scarf

Mr. Canada Post just brought in a box from Lynda with a Linen Stitch Scarf.

This one is knit in tosh merino dk

I love it!!

Thankfully the rain stopped and I could take my friend outside to get these pictures. It turned out to be a beautiful day. A round of golf would have been a good idea.

It is amazing how the colours look in the finished scarf. Very different from when we lay them out.
The Linen Stitch pattern is from Churchmouse Yarns on Bainbridge Island just outside of Seattle. There are new patterns coming-hopefully by the beginning of November they will be in the store. I can't show pictures yet but as soon as I get to the go ahead I will. There are 11 Classic patterns and 4 patterns in the At Home series.

Here is my Linen Stitch Scarf. I'm currently at 2.5".
When I was taking the picture I looked up and here is what I saw. I love the colours of fall. This makes me want to pick colours for a very fall scarf.


An email came through from the Downtown Knit Collective today. The dates are set for the Knitter's Frolic 2013.
We are celebrating our 15th Knitter's Frolic on the weekend of April 27-28th.  This year our special guest instructor is Ann Budd.
The marketplace will be on Saturday with classes running Saturday and Sunday. As more information is available about the classes I will pass them along to you.

Last night I watched Revenge. I don't know if I can wait until Sunday night for the next episode. It is getting really, really good. Every episode they answer one or two questions but then there are three or four more that we want answered. Tonight is a busy night-Survivor, Criminal Minds, X Factor, CSI, Shark Wranglers and Chicago Fire. There might not be much sleep tonight but there will be lots of knitting.