Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's Growing

We had a great time last night at the birthday party. I'm glad that I put down my knitting and went. Lots of family and friends to visit with-some we haven't seen in a while.

I did pick up the knitting for just a few minutes when we got home. Then Beth put on the TV and an episode of Law and Order was about to start. That meant another of hour of knitting.

Taken this afternoon
And it was a good Law and Order. I'm guessing season 4 or 5 - Benjamin Bratt was on. I don't know why we can't have a 24 hour Law and Order channel. It's great for knitting. I've seen most of the episodes so I don't have to give the show all my attention but it never gets boring.

Taken this evening
This afternoon was spent watching football and knitting. We won our Fantasy Football match this week so I'm in a very good mood. That lead into The Amazing Race and Revenge. I'm not going to comment on these in case you haven't watched yet. I did get more knitting done. My hands are a bit tired-I was a knitting machine today. :) I think there is about 100 rows to go until the centre piece is finished.

Customers ask me if I ever get tired of knitting. I go through periods where I don't want to pick the needles up and then there are periods that all I want to do is knit. I'm there right now. I could keep knitting all night but then I won't be much good tomorrow.

Tomorrow I must sit in front of my computer and get paper work done. Not a job I'm looking forward to but it must be done. And not a job to do on no sleep.

There is baseball and football on right now. A bit more knitting time before bed. :)