Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fleece Festival Set Up

Beth and I packed the van this morning and early this afternoon we headed to Woodstock. Linda, who runs the Fleece Festival, has strong young men waiting to help us unload. We had everything in the booth quickly-about half the time of other shows. We hustled to get the booth set up and headed home. We should have been home before 6pm. Lots of time to do laundry, make dinner, grocery shop for tomorrow's lunch and maybe get a few rows of knitting done.

Then the #(%& hit the fan. We were driving along the 403 minding our own business when OPP vehicles flew by us. Then brake lights. About 30 cars in front of us there was an accident. This was just after 5pm. We sat there. And sat there. And sat there. I found out on Twitter that the highway was closed not too far behind us. Beth and I rolled a skein of tosh dk for my linen stitch scarf (not that easy in a van) and I started casting on. Unfortunately I had a tea before we got on the 403. Coughing. A tea. Things were starting to get desperate. After an hour and a half the OPP had everyone start turning around. We headed back about a km to an emergency turn around where we crossed the highway and started back in the direction we had come from. There was an exit right away and a Tim's 2km down the road. There was a lot of women running in with us. Thank goodness for an iPhone with google maps because I had no clue how to get home. We made it home to find hungry dogs with crossed legs.

It's time to relax for an hour and then head to bed. We'll be on the road at 6am. See you tomorrow at the Woodstock Fleece Festival.