Here are some pictures of my current knitting.
The Honey Cowl is almost done. I've enjoyed working on it and will definitely think about making another one. It is perfect airport/airplane/don't want to think knitting.
Gnarled Oak is progressing. In case you are wondering about what I am making, here is the picture from Coastal Knits where you will find the pattern.
Right now it is just a lot of stocking stitch but I am almost done the third and fourth balls.
The colour in the picture is off. It is more purple than blue.
This picture is the real colour of my cardigan.
Beth and I had planned on taking a road trip to Niagara Falls tomorrow. Then after some discussion we decided that it could be crazy there tomorrow so we went this afternoon. It is always great seeing the Falls.
Beth is in charge of taping TV shows. She forgot to tape The Amazing Race and Celebrity Apprentice. I got us home just in time to catch them on the west coast feed. Since I can sleep in tomorrow I'm grabbing my needles and watching The Amazing Race tonight. Brendon and Rachel. How much yelling is she going to do at Brendon? I hope he doesn't make a mistake.