Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Being away for a few days is fun but opening the store in the morning is always a joy.

I did a double take on my way to work this morning.  On Rousseaux Street there is a huge open lot.  When I left work on Wednesday a house sat there.  It is amazing how many houses are being built in Ancaster right now.  Where are all the people coming from?

Namaste was running a draw at the show.  One entry with an order and another when you brought a copy of an email they sent out.  Two entries for me.  Unfortunately I am not lucky with draws.  Just as I was about to leave the show on Sunday I received a phone call asking me to come to their booth.  I WON!!  A bag full of great swag.  It is already downstairs in the Knitting Camp closet.  What a great start to our door prizes.

I have no knitting to report.  Maybe tonight during the hockey game I will be able to get a few rows done.  Going away for a few days has caused a bit of a back up in paper work.