Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, June 24, 2011

Finally some knitting to report

Did you watch Expedition Impossible last night? I think there are three teams who are far and away better than anyone else. I'm not going to mention these teams in case you haven't watched yet.
Scalene ball one
I did get some knitting done while watching.
Scalene is progressing-ball one is almost finished. The finished product is going to look a lot different then the pictures on the pattern but I wanted to see how it would look in a yarn that stripes. A bit of laziness went into my yarn choice as well. I didn't want to roll a skein into a ball and I wanted to use the largest size needles possible.
When I started I couldn't wrap my head around how the construction was going to work but now that I am almost at the keyhole shaping (30 rows to go) I get it. It looks a bit funny on the needles. I am increasing every other row at the left edge and on every row of the right edge. It will lie much better when it is off the needles.

Triana 51 wheat
Three brand new colours of Triana just arrived.

51 Wheat-shades of beige. In the original shade range there was a beige and cream blend as well as a brown and beige blend.  The shades in this colour are in between the two.

Triana 52 purple and lime
52 Purple and Lime
How can putting purple and lime together be wrong?

Triana 53 purple and mauve
53 Purple and Mauve
Very subtle shading.

Tonight we are meeting with our friends John and Lynda (and the four kids) to talk about Myrtle Beach. Renting a car, golfing, fireworks on July 4... Six more sleeps until we go.

1 comment:

Sally said...

six more sleeps.
