I finally made it past the first armhole on my Jane Slicer-Smith vest. The next time I take a picture of it I will put it on a longer needle so you can get a better look at it. The bottom edge isn't showing well-you increase every 20 rows so it is longer in the back than in the front.

There was a long 'to do' list for today.
-Dentist to have my teeth cleaned. I am sure she was purposely trying to hurt me.
-Stop and get Beth pool cue chalk
-Bank for mom and dad
-Run into The Bay at Limeridge Mall for makeup at the Mac counter
-Car shopping. Yes, it is that time again. It is hard to believe but my Expedition is 3 years old and the lease is up at the end of October. Ford has misplaced my last two vehicles so I want to get this one ordered early just in case.
I'm moving upstairs now to watch the end of the Home Run Derby.