The first was from Jordana Paige. She has a new knitting bag that will be available in July called

There are new colours from Offhand Designs. These will be available in August-just in time for the Knitter's Fair. Here are the ones that are grabbing me. This might be the first booth I visit on Saturday morning!!

After work I had to run and have my nails done for the trip. On the way I stopped at Chapters to get some books-I spent today outside rereading a book and decided that I would like something new. I bought the new Penny Vincenzi book for which I was very excited. For some reason I went on Chapters.ca to look at her list of books to make sure that this was the newest book and it was online for $10 less than in the store. What's that all about? I guess I will be visiting Chapters tomorrow to return the book.