Sale Saturday September 14th
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Didn't take too long
Saturday, December 30, 2006
New Blogger
Friday, December 29, 2006
Store Hours
Somedays I am surprised by how many people read my blog. I get people asking every day about Roko and Melo. Today I had a lady in the store who came to buy Noro-she heard it was on sale from her sister who lives in England and reads my blog.
I have been knitting a scarf-that's it. The week between Christmas and New Year's is always incredibly busy. We get out of town visitors who are in the area visiting family. We have had visitors from all over Ontario. We've also had a few visitors from the US including Betty.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Boxing Week Sales
Speaking of Roko-he chewed on his first pair of shoes today. I am not happy!!! Luckily I caught him right away so there aren't any marks.
I decided around midnight tonight that we should offer some specials for people who visit the store this week. The list is too long to write but the notables are 15% off sock yarns (not including Bearfoot) and 20% off Noro.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
New Berroco

Berroco will be adding the new yarns and shade cards to their website at the end of January.
More Christmas and I knit something
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas gifts and more playing with the computer

When I write my newsletter on Constant Contact I can only insert one picture for each topic. Sometimes there is more than one picture that I want to show so today I played with making this happen. There is software that can be purchased to do this for Windows but I didn't want to buy anything else for the computer right now so I did some research and figured this out. On the Mac side I add the pictures to a program called Pages. Then I save them as a pdf file. From there I can transfer them to a jpeg file and voila-now I have one picture but it has many pictures in it. This is a sample showing some of the new garments from the spring Debbie Bliss magazine called Summer Essentials. This magazine uses her Pure Silk, Cashmerino Baby, Cotton Cashmere and Cotton DK.

We received some new patterns from Black Purl Designs yesterday. Patrick is knit using Takhi's Donegal Tweed.
Sandstorm is knit using Silk Garden from Noro.
Stained Glass is knit using Noro Kureyon and a solid worsted weight yarn.
Mom and Dad are leaving for Myrtle Beach tomorrow morning so we did Christmas last night. After dinner out we went back to their house to open gifts. Last Christmas we gave them small stockings to fill for us. They had lots of fun with it so this year they went out and bought 3 foot stockings for each of us and filled them. We got gift certificates to Tim Horton's, Swiss Chalet and Jack Astor's. There was candy, chocolate and pajamas-all the stocking essentials. They also found some neat things that will take up way too much space to go into detail. Thanks Mom and Dad!!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Spring Rowan
Bamboo is a tape yarn with a mini-magazine of patterns to go with the yarn.
Damask is a blend of Linen and Viscose. Patterns for this are in Rowan #41.
There are 6 new colours of Summer Tweed and a new Summer Tweed magazine.
In Handknit cotton DK there are 10 new colours.
Kid Silk Haze has 4 new colours.
There is a new yarn from RYC called Jeans. The name doesn't fit the yarn-it isn't denim coloured. The yarn is an aran weight cotton with marled colours. The cover jacket for the new RY magazine is amazing.
There are new colours of Natural Silk Aran with amazing patterns.
I don't have any pictures but I did see all the new magazines. Lots of great sweaters. They are getting back to the traditional Rowan. Stylish but not wild.
Shoes, Roko and something I knit

At knitting guild last week a few ladies were making felted mittens. I took the pattern, adjusted it and knit it out of Tussock chunky from Naturally. I still need to felt this-it looks like an oven mitt right now.

I ran to Yorkdale (a huge shopping mall in Toronto) on Monday to get a program for my computer. Of course I had to check out the shoe stores. I finally found something that I like. These are Geox, made in Italy, very comfortable and purple. Can't get any better than this.
Thursday, December 14, 2006

Roko wasn't exactly happy with us for trying to hold his head straight.
In the past week he seems to have given up yarn. Now his love is socks. There are at least 30 dog toys in the apartment but he wants socks!!
Beth and mom are at the airport to pick up dad. They have a bag of sandwiches and treats ready for him. Refried beans at every meal doesn't make him happy.
I saw the spring Rowan last week but have been too busy to comment on it. I did get to see Rowan #41. The sweaters are very 'wearable'. Nothing outlandish. Handknit DK cotton is being used alot in the magazine. I remember there being at least 2 sweaters for men that looked great. Of course I left the notes in the store so I will post these tomorrow.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Progress Made
I also got my Simply Accounting moved over tonight. This is huge because that is the most important thing on my computer.
Tomorrow night will be making the printer work and everything is done!!
If you are thinking of changing to an iMac I would suggest it. Working the Mac and Windows at the same time is great. I would also suggest getting someone to transfer everything over for you!!
I knit about 2 rows on Kilcar today in the store. We received a shipment from Fleece Artist and Hand Maiden so I was busy putting them away. Customers kept coming in as well. I have to chuckle when I am knitting and a customer comes in and says, 'It must be nice to knit all day.' I wish. They are many days when the needles aren't touched.
More computer fun
That said, I have spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday playing with this thing. It really isn't too bad but there are some things that could have been explained better. When you read some of the books it is like they are written in Chinese.
I couldn't get the internet hooked up for the life of me. It finally hit me that I needed an Ethernet cable which I didn't have. Of course this was Sunday night after everything was closed. I got the cable yesterday morning and right away I was connected. So simple but so hard.
When you buy a new Mac it has something on it called BootCamp so that you can use both Windows and Mac. To switch between the 2 you must restart your computer. I loaded onto the Windows side all the programs I needed, Word, Simply Accounting, my emails-with address book, etc.
I went to Toronto yesterday afternoon to the Apple store and bought the new Parallels program. This lets me run a Windows window while I am working in Mac. No more restarting the computer. Again, the book was helpful but a few more pages would have made everything very simple. I got it all running but had problems with the Windows window. It was taking up most of my screen and I couldn't do anything to make it smaller. After about 2 hours I started playing with every button and it finally worked. Again so simple but so hard. Now that I am running Parallels, I have to reload all my programs into Windows. Wish I had known this Friday night!!
I am writing this post from the Mac site and the window is a bit different. Just above your post there is a tool bar. The Mac toolbar doesn't have everything that the Windows tool bar has. I will be doing most of Blogger on Windows.
All in all, I am liking the new computer. I think it will take some time to adjust to Mac.
Of course, no knitting has been done. No sleep either.
Gotta run and open the store. I could work on this all day!!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The commercials finally got me!!! I went out on Wednesday night and looked at an iMac. Thursday morning I was back at BestBuy and purchased the iMac with 24" monitor. It is as big as a tv screen!! I have both Windows and Mac software on the computer.
I want to say that all is going well with the switch but there are a few glitches. Hopefully I will work them out tonight and tomorrow. A trip to the Apple store in Toronto on Monday is going to help as well.
- my iPod won't load onto the new computer
- I downloaded our poker account onto the new computer but couldn't remember the password. I sent off an email to get it and my email provider isn't sending it through. Of course you can't phone the poker site. Beth wanted to play this afternoon so there were a few harsh words at our house.
- I have to remember the rest of my passwords as well. Most of them are saved on the other computer so the program or website just opens up.
- I need to find out how to get my email addressed out of Outlook and onto the new computer.
- until I get a program called Parellels, I have to restart the computer to move between Windows and Mac software.
- I am still getting used to the mouse. There isn't a right and left click which is different.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated!!
Obviously there will be no knitting done in the next few days. I am almost done the back on Kilcar-should be completed while in the store on Tuesday.
Roko is doing well. He is a clumsy puppy which makes us laugh when watching him play. He can be running along and just fall over.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Puppies need a lot of attention
Wannietta worked in the store on Saturday with her daughter Amanda. She took a couple of pictures of Amanda with Roko.
I haven't picked up my needles in a week but I think I will start back on Kilcar tomorrow in the store.
I forgot to tell you about our shopping trip in the last post. We didn't choose to go over American Thanksgiving-it was the only weekend that worked for everyone. It took 2 hours to cross the border!! A 7.5 hour drive turned into 10 hours. We quickly checked into the hotel and ran to the mall. Cheesecake Factory for dinner and shopping-who would complain about that? The mall opened at 8 am on Saturday morning and we were waiting for the doors to open. The King of Prussia Mall is amazing. Nordstrom, 2 Macy's, Lord & Taylor, Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale's, JC Penney and Sears. I got a winter coat and new pair of boots. Just one pair-shoe shopping was actually very disappointing. We got Christmas presents for the kids on our list-thank you Discovery Channel Store. The back of the Expedition was very full on the way home. Luckily the lady at the border didn't ask very many questions and let us go.