Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The finishing has started

You won't see pictures here for a bit. Beth left the battery recharger on the cruise ship so now she has to go out and buy another one!!

I have started the finishing on Bettna. One front is done, the other is picked up. The band should be done tomorrow (I am off to Toronto today to get bags for the store and maybe shoes for me.) Then I just have to do the last of the sewing.

For the Big Brother fans
Last night was great! When this season started I didn't really like anyone who was in the house but the last couple of episodes have kept me laughing. The vote on Thursday is going to be interesting.


Samantha said...

Bad Beth! *lol*

I can't wait to see your progress. :)

Unknown said...

i hate being without a digital camera.
maybe you can borrow one from some nice person. Especially if there are shoes involved in your toronto trip.