Sale Saturday September 14th

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Ravelry Coupon Codes

I have a small Christmas present for 7 visitors to the blog. Actually, the present is from Ambah O'Brien. She sent me Ravelry Coupon Codes and we didn't use them all. They expire at the end of 2017. Yikes that's soon.

From Ambah
They can be used in my Ravelry store and will give a discount of $6.50 so the user can buy a single pattern or put it torward an eBook if they like.
That's right $6.50 towards Ambah's patterns on Ravelry. Most of her patterns sell for $6 so it's a free pattern plus a small amount off of a second pattern. Don't worry, she has so many great patterns that you won't have a problem picking one, two or ten.
This is the Bambara Wrap. You can see all of Ambah's patterns here.

Leave a comment here on the blog with your Ravelry name (so that I can notify the winners) between now and December 24. We will draw on Christmas Day. There will be seven lucky knitters. These codes must be used by December 31.

Not sure how to leave a comment? You will see this at the bottom of the post.
Click on No comments or ____ comments and leave your Ravelry name.

I have to manually post these so it won't show up right away on the post.
Lilli Pilli

As you can see, we are huge fans of Ambah. Her patterns are very well written and easy to follow.