An email came today about Stephen West's MKAL that is starting this week.
We will be holding 2 strands of yarn together to create beautiful marled sections!
Gather at least 800g of yarn to work with for your Mystery Shawl palette. I recommend combining colors you love and enhancing them with something extra special from your LYS.
I pulled out a pile of fingering weight yarn this afternoon. I have yarn fromJoin the MKAL on Ravelry
-Lorna's Laces
-Mrs. Crosby
-Life in the Long Grass
-Frabjous Fibers
There are still a few days before we start. I think I need a few more speckles. I'm going to take my pile to the store tomorrow to see what I can add.
Feed Me! This was at breakfast this morning. Beth said that she is very good and lies down while everyone is eating but she was coaxed into doing this for a good picture. That is one big head.