In case the video didn't download properly, here is the link to it...
It's going to be a post of colour. Right now it's foggy and dreary in Ancaster and I want a pick me up. :)
Kim brought in her Color Play Mohair Shawl today. Colour and Kaffe.
There is a new book from Classic Elite in the store called The Best of Liberty Wool (so far....)
Being a person who gets bored easily, Liberty Wool is awesome to knit with. Before you are tired of one colour the ball changes to a new one.
If you purchase the book in the store there is a scratch off code in the back. You enter this code online and then the pattern book is downloaded into your Ravelry library. It's awesome. You have a book to flip through plus you can easily print off the pattern you want to knit. No breaking the spine of the book trying to photocopy a pattern. No more missing part of the pattern when you photocopy it. Just click print and you have an easy to read copy.
After looking at all the patterns, we decided to rearrange the Liberty. Then the rearranging became moving. It has a new home.
Hopefully the bright colours will make you forget about the rain and cold outside. It's many hours later and the weather situation hasn't improved. From what I've read it's going to be crummy all weekend. On the bright side - lots of knitting time.