Cathy unpacked lots of yarn and got it put away on the shelves.
Noro Kureyon has 8 new colours.
Perfect for making the Log Cabin Afghan
You can find the pattern for the afghan here....
It is easy to knit. All you need to know is how to
-cast on
-cast off
-pick up stitches
Silk Garden has 8 new colours as well.
Darn Noro. One day they might make ugly colours that I won't want to knit with but not this fall. They are all great!
When Beth and I arrived home last night our air conditioning wasn't working. It was really hot in our house so we left the dogs with mom and dad. We left the air off all night (needless to say I didn't have a good sleep) and it is working fine today. The dogs are home and happy to be here. Sort of. There are many more treats at the grandparents house.
I didn't touch my knitting while away (there was way too much visiting with friends from England, Italy, New Zealand and the US) so I'm looking forward to sitting on the couch and knitting tonight. Master Chef. American Baking Competition. Big Brother. Plus the shows that we taped while we were away. I can't wait!!