Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Double Pointed Needle Tubes

Are you a sock knitter? Check these out.

DPN Tubes from Knitter's Pride
  • A solution for holding and protecting your valuable and delicate Double Pointed Needles while they are still connected to your project!!
  • Made of recycled acid-free paper to store and protect double pointed needles
  • Lightweight, highly functional and attractive
  • Protects both your DP needles and your Project at the same time
  • Allows you to properly protect your project while it is in progress
  • Flexible - extends to hold both the shortest and longest needles
Set of 3 tubes, 2 tubes with slots and 1 without slot 

I made it to the next colour last night and it's my favourite in the wrap. The colour you start with is the colour that you end with so the one you like the best is on both ends. Brilliant.
I was up early this morning so Mr. Melo and I sat outside and knit for a bit. He's very helpful.

A customer was just in looking for the Churchmouse Easy Fold Poncho pattern. I totally forgot about it when I talked about ponchos yesterday.
“It's like a really elegant sweatshirt.”
It's easy to knit (just one long stockinette rectangle), easy to finish, and easy to throw on. Whether knit in a humble tweed or luscious alpaca, with a cowl or without, you'll see why this is a favorite!

A very wise customer just shared some words of wisdom with me.
If you knit with red you knit faster.
I don't know how I didn't know this.