There wasn't much sleep last night because Melo was upset by the storm. It wasn't raining when we went to bed so I took his thunder shirt off. Then the storms hit again. He was agitated for over an hour which meant I didn't sleep. The stupid dream didn't help. My yarn store (which sold many things and I don't even remember seeing yarn on the shelves) was huge. The size of a grocery store. A customer's husband put my laptop in his bag but I saw him do it and got it back. There was only two of us working. In a store that big. Maybe I should have said nightmare. Customers came to the check out and we had a really, really old point of sale system. Maybe the first computer ever made. I knew the code for the sock yarn someone was buying (400-same as I have in the store) but it was charging the person $160 not $16 a ball. Then they were buying paint brushes but I couldn't find the price so I charged them $20 each. I need to have someone interpret that dream/nightmare for me. :)
Beth was up at 6 to be my dad's chauffeur for the day. He had surgery on his eye yesterday and can't drive but had a meeting today that he couldn't get out of. I made it to work (very tired) and then realized that I forgot something I needed at home. Back I went and got to work just in time.
Mr. Canada Post was waiting for me. This is Nora.
And Nicole.
My goodness. The bags are way more beautiful than I thought. WAY!! I don't know which I want. If I could I would take them all home.
My MacBook fits in no problem. I will try with my bigger laptop when I get home. Arya holds lots. Knitting. Wallet. Camera. iPad. iPhone. More knitting. Perfect for traveling.
I hope to have the bags on the website later this week.
My computer is running out of juice so I'm going to sign off, plug it in and pick up my knitting. The Summerspun cardigan isn't going to knit itself.