A parcel arrived from the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters' Guild this morning with post cards for the 2013 show. Here is the information so you can get it marked on your calendar.
The Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters’ Fair is the largest event of its kind in Canada. For many years, the Kitchener-Waterloo Knitters’ Guild has offered a one-day fair organized “by knitters for knitters.”This Fair, held at Kitchener Memorial Auditorium Complex in Kitchener, now presents approximately 70 vendors offering the latest and greatest of knitting products. Imagine 35,000 square feet—in 1 large showroom—dedicated to the craft of knitting, offering an incredible display of a diverse variety of yarns in an explosion of colour, knitting books, patterns, and accessories.We also offer:
- Low admission price
- Speaker
- Anne Blayney – “Picking the right project with the right materials and the right colours.” – 11:00am
- Fashion Show – 1:00pm
- Door Prizes
- Snack Bar
Fair Details:
- Date: Saturday, September 14, 2013
- Admission: $7 per person, children under 12 free.
- Time: 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Location:Kitchener Memorial Auditorium Complex
400 East Ave
Kitchener, Ontario
If you haven't watched Survivor from Wednesday night then you might want to stop reading.
What were they thinking voting Brenda out? I know that she is a threat but wait a week. She gave up a huge reward for everyone else. If they aren't careful Eddie is going to win. He hasn't back stabbed anyone and I think he can get the votes from the jury. I'm hoping that Dawn goes home this week. The crying is getting very tiring. And why are they trusting her?
There hasn't been much knitting the past few evenings but I'm hoping that will change tonight. The finale of Fashion Star plus lots of hockey and baseball. The Mohair Wrap is almost done and I want to get back to Windward. Or my Summerspun cardigan. Or another Mohair Wrap. Decisions. Decisions.