It is now two hours after I started my post and I think I have a resolution.
I have decided that I am going to work very hard on finishing many of my UFOs. Okay, now that I have made this decision I won't be able to start for a couple of weeks. I am working very hard on finishing something that I haven't talked about yet. There is a cardigan in Noro Taiyo on my needles. The plan is to have this done for next week when I go to the spring knitting trade show. I have both sleeves and the back done. Guess what I am doing tomorrow.
My huge scarf/shawl is knit and just needs to be blocked. I think that this will be tomorrow's job. Because of the length I will need to do it in parts.
Jack is knit in Rowan's Chunky Tweed. This was started at least 4 years ago and I have the back and one sleeve done. I love working with the yarn and really want to wear the sweater.
The Drop Collar Cable Jacket was from Debbie Bliss' first magazine. The pattern is now available online from Vogue Knitting. I have one sleeve done and am half way up the back.
Rochdale in Rowan Big Wool. 12mm needles. I am very close on this one.

Have a Happy New Year and we will talk in 2010.