Sale Saturday September 14th

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Thanks Dad

Yesterday was a very long day but we made it. Cathy, Sarah and I (okay, mostly Cathy and Sarah) worked like crazy getting everything organized.

I did plan on sharing these pictures last night. I was in the store from 8:30 until 7:30 and when I got home Beth had dinner ready. I ate, took a nice hot bath and went to sleep. This caused a problem today-I was awake at 5:30. I knew that if I went back to sleep for a bit I would feel rotten all day so I got up and off to work I went.

During the renovations I planned on moving all the sock yarn to the new section. When I started unpacking the chunky it took up more room than I thought so only part of the sock yarn moved. It's not ideal but there was no way to leave all the sock yarn in the old section.

Now all the chunky yarns are together. There are a few gaps because we are waiting to receive the new Crofter Chunky from Sirdar and Debbie Bliss' new Luxury Tweed Chunky.

Bulky yarns are going to be big again this fall and we have lots to whet your appetite-Blue Sky Alpacas Bulky, Spud & Chloe Outer, Tahki Montana, Naturally Aspire Super Chunky, Debbie Bliss Como and Twinkle Soft Chunky.

Cathy is a neat freak (this is a compliment) and she organized all the books before putting them on the shelf. I would have thrown the books on the shelf and worried about it later but she took the time to make it easier for you when you are looking at the books. The major names are all together-Rowan, Debbie Bliss and Noro. Then she did a crochet section, afghan section, how to section, etc.

My dad likes to be a trouble maker. His favourite saying is that housework is 'woman's work'. He doesn't really mean it but he likes to stir the pot. The last thing we did before leaving the store last night was mop the floors. We both had mops-I would do an area and then he would do it again-the floors were sparkling this morning. Now I have a picture so whenever he opens his mouth I can tell him to look at my blog.

I want to say a big thank you to my dad. Without him this would never have been possible. He is worn out from all the work so he is taking mom to Myrtle Beach for a couple of weeks on Thursday. They can't leave tomorrow because I still have a few odd jobs for him. :)