Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


A friend of mine has started a new company that sells knitting patterns online, Patternfish. Currently there are almost 900 patterns in the data base. There are search criteria so that you can find a pattern easier, for instance, men's, v-neck with cables. You will find out of print patterns from Reynolds (old Norah Gaughan designs like this one), Naturally, Twilleys, Style Craft and Classic Elite as well as new patterns from Cabin Fever, Phoenix Bess (a 15 year old designer who has a book coming out next year), and a Sally Melville exclusive.

You can now browse for patterns in the comfort of your own home, download the patterns and then bring them yarn shopping.

If you are a pattern designer, please contact Patternfish about having your patterns on the site.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Della Q

My first shipment from Della Q just arrived.
This needle case will hold 12 circular needles. There is also a zippered pocket. Made out of 100% silk it measures 8.5" x 8.5" when tied.

For the last two years I have looked at these while at TNNA. I really liked them but didn't order because the numbering for the needles was in American sizing. They are now available with Metric sizing.

Four colours are available. Shown in Green Stripe. Also Available in Blue, Fuchsia and Yellow Stripe.

Revisiting an old friend

I know it has been a while since my last post. I stayed away from the computer last week and did some knitting. I worked on my shawl for part of the week and then picked up Lizard Ridge again (I had to try out the new colours of Kureyon).
This is 217-Earthtones W, Teal Yellow
This is 233-Deep Blue, Olive

Yesterday I went golfing. My body is very sorry today. It has been almost 2 years since I played-my game was awful but we had fun.

Some of you signed up to receive the emails about new sock and shawl yarns. The first went out on Friday when a shipment came in from Lorna's Laces. There are many new colours of Shepherd Socks and six colours of Helen's Laces. If you were having troubles signing up, please send me an email and I will add you to the list.

I have started pulling books off the shelves for the tent sale.
-select Rowan Magazines $20
-select Rowan smaller magazines (for individual yarns) $15
-Nashua magazines $8

Customers have been asking when the new yarns will be arriving.
I just talked with Berroco and their yarn and books should be here by the middle of July.
Rowan is supposed to be shipping on July 15 so we should have the magazines and yarns the following week.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Work in progress, new yarn, coming soon

I am going to start sending out two new newsletters for the store. The first will announce the arrival of sock yarn and the second shawl yarn and patterns. Those receiving these emails will have at least a 24 hour advance warning before the yarn is put in the store or I mention it on my blog. Just click on the 'Join The Needle Emporium Email Mailing List' to the left and enter your email address. You will receive an email asking you to confirm the areas that interest you.

I really wanted to start a new project but decided that I had to get some of my other projects finished. This is the Dawn shawl that I started quite some time ago. I am about 30% done.

Lorna's Laces is bringing out 4 new colourways for fall. This is Helen's Lace in the new colour Ashburn. The new colours should be here in about 6-8 weeks. I was given this skein so that I could get it knit up in time for the Knitter's Fair. I have the pattern picked out but I have to finish my Dawn shawl first.

Rowan Colourscapes is a new collection of chunky single-ply Shetland style wool. There are eight different colour variations available which were created by Kaffe Fassett.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Fall Rowan Preview

I am back in the store today. There will be lots for me to do. A shipment of the Noro arrived yesterday. The new colours of Kureyon and Silk Garden are here.

The trip to TNNA was great. Seeing old friends and meeting new people is always fun. And the yarn!!! Most of my ordering was done before the show. The show is a great place to see garments knit up and find accessories (bags and shawl pins) that we don't have here. I did damage in four booths

-the new bag called Newport looks great.
-Peacock (the new seasonal colour) is a dark teal blue. The pictures on the Internet don't do the colour justice

Offhand Designs
-there are six new fabrics for fall which I have ordered in the different styles. These won't be in the store until September

The colours available from Prism are some of the best on the market. It is amazing to see a whole booth with these amazing yarns hanging-it really makes you want them all.
-Gossamer is a new lace weight mohair.
-new colours coming in Lace Wool
-new colours coming in Saki

Lorna's Laces
There are four new colours for fall. I ordered these in Shepherd Socks a couple of weeks ago so that I could be first in line. At the show I added these colours in Helen's Lace. You might see a trend happening here-lace and sock yarn. More and more customers are coming into the store looking at the lace yarns so I have decided to give you an amazing selection.

While reading some discussions on Ravelry I saw that pictures of Rowan 44 had been posted on the Internet. Since they are being shared by others, I figured that I would share them as well. Sorry that they aren't bigger but now you can drool until the magazine comes out. This is Rowans 30th anniversary issue and the designs are fabulous. They remind me of the designs from Rowan books 1-6 that made me fall in love with Rowan.

I have been told that the release date on the Rowan is July 15 so we should have it a few days after that.

The four garments on the right of this picture are knit out of Kaffe Fassett's Colourscapes. This is a chunky, self-striping yarn. There will be a magazine with about 10 designs dedicated to this yarn. I loved the look of the yarn and the colours.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Heritage Days

We arrived home safely on Tuesday night. I will post on the weekend about some of the great yarns and accessories that were ordered at the show.

Heritage Days is this Saturday in Ancaster. Normally Wilson St is closed from Rousseaux (right by the store) to the other end of town from 10-11am. This year the road is closed from 10am-1pm. A parade runs through town but doesn't start until after the store. There will be a police officer at the corner of Rousseaux and Wilson but I don't know if they will let you down the road to the store. You might have to park at the corner and walk. Sorry for any inconvenience-the signs were posted while I was away and I just saw them yesterday.

Gotta run. I have errands to do but I wanted to let you know about Saturday.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Opal Sock Yarn

New colours of Opal sock yarn should be on the way to me as you are reading this. I tried to make the picture bigger but this is as big as I can get it.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Lace Cardi

I finished the cardigan at 5:20 this afternoon. All sewn together, all ends sewn in and I added a crochet edge. Sorry-no time for pictures. It is now in my suitcase ready for the trip.

We are leaving early in the morning. Hopefully the hockey game doesn't go into overtime again tonight-I need to get some sleep.

I will have lots to post about when I get home. Have a good weekend-enjoy the warm weather.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tent Sale

You might want to make some notes before coming to the sale.

We will have back issues of some Rowan magazines available for great prices. Bring a list of the magazines you already have. Also, take a look at Rowan's website and see if there are any issues that interest you.

All Lantern Moon knitting needles will be 50% off.

Monday, June 02, 2008


I just received an email from Namaste to announce their newest bag. It is called Newport (the middle bag). I will be seeing the actual bag this weekend. I knew about the bag because it has been advertised in a trade magazine but I didn't want to let the cat out of the bag too soon.

Peacock blue is the new seasonal colour (and will be available in all 3 bags). I hope to have these bags in the store in a couple of weeks.

My day has been crazy. Up at 8am for the workers (who didn't show up). I did some work here at home, did some running around and then went and helped Beth at the warehouse. I came home because the electrician was supposed to be here at 3 but now I find out he isn't coming either. Now it is off to Suds to have my truck washed and cleaned out inside and then to the nail salon. Unfortunately all workers are supposed to be here at 8am tomorrow.

I'm liking knitting lace

The time on this post is correct. It is 8am!! We are waiting for the drywallers to arrived and finish the ceiling in the basement. I can't wait for the renovations to be done so I can go back to sleeping in until 9.

I have been diligently knitting to try and get my cardigan done. We are off to Columbus, Ohio on Thursday for a trade show and really want to take it.

It does look longer on the mannequin than in the picture. I add two extra lace panels before the armholes and one after. Since the mannequin is smaller than me it hangs really long on her but it isn't that long on me.

Since taking this picture I have finished the first sleeve. The front and backs are knit and then joined with a 3-needle bind off. The sleeves are then picked up and worked down. The sewing will be a piece of cake.
Dad and Beth are putting down the sub floor in the basement.

My dad is a blur because he is moving so fast.

Tomorrow is dad's birthday. We are just going out to dinner with their friends-not another big party.