Cathy worked all day yesterday and made amazing progress in the store. It is looking fantastic!! We packed up many, many garbage bags of yarn for the tent sale. My garage is getting full-Beth isn't happy. Included in the bags are
-discontinued colours of Noro Silk Garden and Kureyon
-more Colinette

We put the shawl yarns in the entrance.

There are a couple of reasons for all the pictures.
1. I like blog posts with pictures.
2. It shows why I haven't been posting-too busy rearranging.
3. It will make my mom happy-it is Mother's Day this weekend.
A shipment of Shepherd Socks arrived yesterday. Beth picked it up at the post office for me and people were grabbing skeins out of my hands as I was unpacking it.
Silky Merino from Malabrigio is in the store. Three colours arrived today with patterns coming for fall. The suggested tension is 18 stitches to 4" making it great for garments and scarves. The sheen on the yarn is amazing.
On Monday I was in Toronto visiting some of my suppliers. They hold open houses for us to see the new yarns for the upcoming season. There are a couple of great yarns coming from Noro. Silk Garden Chunky-I don't think I need to say anything else except when is it going to arrive because I want it!! Silk Garden sock yarn. New colours in Kureyon and Silk Garden that will be in the store at the end of this month. Kureyon sock has new colours that will be here in August (fingers crossed). There will be at least four new books using Noro this fall.
It's almost home time and then I will be back later tonight for class. I am so tired. They are doing the drywall in the basement now. 8am and I don't agree with eachother. They will be doing the taping starting on Monday-luckily they don't start until 9am.
Have a good weekend and Happy Mother's Day.