Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, November 04, 2005

Rowan and Debbie Bliss spring preview

Today was like Christmas in the store. My sales rep was in showing new yarns for spring. Hard to think about it when it is so warm out (18 C in Southern Ontario today.)

Rowan looks great for the spring. The fall disappointed me but things are looking up. There will be two new yarns and a magazine for each. There are new colours of the existing yarns that will be featured in Magazine 40. RYC has 2 new yarns and 3 new magazines. I will have yarn details and hopefully pictures early next week.

Debbie Bliss is introducing a new yarn called Pure Silk. The colours were great. No tension was shown on the ball but it looked somewhere between a 4ply and DK. There will be a whole magazine for this yarn - I have pictures but need to figure out how to get onto the blog. Her other yarn for spring will be Cashmerino DK. New colours of Cotton Angora, Cathay and Cotton Cashmere will be a separate magazine.

Not much knitting to report-too busy trying how to download pictures. I hate it when the computer beats me.