Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, July 22, 2011

Can I please restart my day?

It started early (okay, early for a Friday when the store doesn't open until noon). There were four boxes to be shipped out before I came to the store and I was here before 10 to meet Mr. UPS. When I left home the boxes from Rowan were scheduled to come today.  I got to work and my modem has quit working. Totally done. I phoned my Internet provider (Netaccess-a Hamilton company) and they said that they could ship one and I would have it on Monday. HELP!! I need the Internet in the store. After a few phone calls they found a technician in my area and I will have a modem later today. How am I connected now? My iPhone has a cool feature called Personal Hotspot. Thank goodness because there is work to be done.

Now that I can connect to the Internet again I refreshed the UPS site. Here is the new message.
Incorrect routing at UPS facility / Delivery rescheduled
What? I can't write down the thoughts that went through my head. It looks like we will have Rowan Magazine 50 on Monday.


It is close to 1pm and I'm forgetting everything from this morning and pretending that Friday has just started.

The nice men from Netaccess were just here with my new modem. It works!! I could switch to a larger company and save a bit of money every month but the customer service from Netaccess is amazing. They fix my problems whenever I call and that includes when the Internet goes out at 10pm. Thank you Netaccess for making my day much better.

It's time to start talking business.

Soak has a new scent-meet Lacey. Mr. Fed Ex delivered Lacey yesterday. The new bottle is very pretty.
Lacey is a material girl, soft and sweet. 
This modern scent combines spring blossoms with sweet bergamot creating a light yet alluring fragrance.
Yesterday I briefly mentioned six new colours of Ondas. Here they are.
99 - blues
98 - browns and rusts
97 - browns
96 - turquoise and grey
95 - purple and grey
92 - pale grey and white
I am going to hit Publish now and get back to the website. The Featured Patterns page needs to updated with the new books that just arrived.

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