Sale Saturday September 14th

Friday, January 19, 2007

I have started knitting again

The Noni bag patterns arrived while I was away. I am working on the rectangular Lattice bag in Naturespun Worsted from Brown Sheep using N144 Limestone and N601 Pepper.

It is going to be a busy weekend catching up on work that should have been completed while I was away having fun. The classes have been finalized for the Gone Stitchin' weekend so I have a large mailing to do next week. CH Morning Live will be taping some segments for their show in the store on Tuesday or Wednesday. We were going to be live on Tuesday morning but they can't get a strong enough signal. If it was done live, there would be 8-2 minute segments done over 3 hours. Now we will tape these segments in less than 45 minutes. YIKES. I will let you know when these will be aired.