I like to have knitting with me when I travel. It usually doesn't come out of my suitcase but I want to have it there just in case. Now my decision-what do I take? My Sally Melville jacket is almost done. If I take the last front then I have to take the other one to make sure that they match. This takes up too much room so strike that one. I can take a scarf but I vowed that I wouldn't knit another one so strike that. I could start a new project but if I don't do much kntting then I have yet another started sweater in a bag. Jack was the final answer. I am going to take the sleeves. Got one cast on last night, the ribbing done and started into the pattern. Of course, the chart is wrong so I had to sit down and figure it out from the picture. There is a left and right sleeve-sewn into the sweater opposite of the charts. Wanted to make sure that I get the cables going in the right direction. One sleeve goes front and the other back but they are both going back in the pattern. I haven't shown a picture of the finished sweater so here it is.
I do have the camera packed and hopefully will have some pictures next week from the mall. Might even get my Christmas shopping done while there.
OK, the sweater is *gorgeous* and I'm in the middle of a crazy-for-Arans phase. Where do I find this pattern? Thanks!
I love that sweater. Sorry your flight got cancelled. I hope you were able to get back to sleep after calling your friends and letting them know. Have a safe trip. :)
The sweater is from Rowan's Tweed Collection. The book is now out of print. I am not sure where you can get a copy-you might try emailing Rowan. (www.knitrowan.com) They are starting to put old patterns on their site.
We hope to get out this afternoon-cuts down in shopping time. This only leaves 3 days. Didn't get much sleep but did get some emails out and paperwork done. Have a good weekend.
Have a safe trip. You know how I love cables. See you when you get back.
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