I have been knitting but don't have pictures for you. I am working on a experiment. If it works out (should know later this week) then I will let you see it.
My bedroom furniture arrived on Saturday afternoon. This is very exciting-I haven't had bedroom furniture (headboards, end tables and dresser) since I left my parents house for university. My bedroom in Myrtle Beach has all these but I usually sleep there about 3 nights out of a year so those don't really count.
The last pieces of furniture we need are couches for the loft and our dining room table.
How about Big Brother last night? Jen crying because she was put on the block-does she think these people like her?
I am off to Toronto-we need bags for the tent sale. The bag store is right around the corner from Yorkdale so I'm going to stop in and see what's new.
Sale Saturday September 14th
Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Friday morning

We have another new yarn in the shop. Highlander from Alpaca with a Twist. They don't have the shade card on their website yet-the yarn is brand new-so here is a picture for you. The yarn has 130m on a 100 gram ball and will knit to a tension of 4-4.5 stitches to an inch. The yarn is made of 45% baby alpaca, 45% merino wool, 8% microfiber and 2% viscose.
How about Big Brother last night? Kail stays and Mike goes.
I need to get my act in gear. The committee for Stitch N' Pitch is having a conference call this morning to see how the tickets sales are progressing, etc. We want to make sure that everyone who comes to the game gets a Blue Jay Knitting tote bag full of goodies. Most of the yarn distributors are donating yarn. We are trying to have 2-3 balls in every bag along with patterns, some wool wash and maybe some knitting needles.
Tonight is the draft for our Fantasy Football. This is a very long evening but always good for laughs.
New Arrivals
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Tent Sale
It was sad to see Julia leave Hell's Kitchen on Monday night. She made a good run for it.
I have been reorganizing the store again. There are more garbage bags of yarn put away for the tent sale. We are going to change how things are done this year. The 'name' yarns (Rowan, RYC, Debbie Bliss, Louisa Harding, Elsebeth Lavold) are going to be priced at $10 for a 100gram ball and $5 for a 50gram ball. For everything else, you will fill a plastic bag. Each size bag will have a price and you can put as much yarn in the bag as possible. I don't have the time (or the desire) to sit and price individual balls of yarn.
My website will not be updated with the new yarns until the second week of August. Korey is away (how dare he take a vacation) and will look after it when he is back. If you are looking for something and can't find it on the website, please email or call me.
I have been reorganizing the store again. There are more garbage bags of yarn put away for the tent sale. We are going to change how things are done this year. The 'name' yarns (Rowan, RYC, Debbie Bliss, Louisa Harding, Elsebeth Lavold) are going to be priced at $10 for a 100gram ball and $5 for a 50gram ball. For everything else, you will fill a plastic bag. Each size bag will have a price and you can put as much yarn in the bag as possible. I don't have the time (or the desire) to sit and price individual balls of yarn.
My website will not be updated with the new yarns until the second week of August. Korey is away (how dare he take a vacation) and will look after it when he is back. If you are looking for something and can't find it on the website, please email or call me.
New Arrivals,
Tent Sale
Monday, July 23, 2007
More from Rowan 42

My last post was a bit brief. I had running around to do and work for Beth to do but I wanted to get some pictures up. I know that many people have been waiting patiently for the new magazine.
I must run again. Dinner is in the oven. I can't rely on Beth because she is almost done Harry Potter (10 pages) and isn't moving until the book is done.
I did get the stitches cast on for the throw that I am going to make for our living room. I got the 133 stitches cast on and then Roko decided he needed to play with me and most of the stitches came off the needle-sometimes Addis can be a bit too slippery. Anyway, they are back on now and I am ready to go.
Rowan 42

In the shipment there was
-2 colours of Tapestry (pictured)
-3 colours of Cocoon (2 more to come)
-2 colours of Felted Tweed (1 more to come)
-4 colours Kid Silk Night
-2 colours of Wool Cotton
-5 colours Kid Silk Haze
-5 colours Kid Silk Aura (book to come)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
A weeks worth of posts
On Friday a new yarn shop opened in New Hamburg called Shall We Knit. Karen has been a customer in my store so Beth and I drove out to see the shop. The store is beautiful. Karen was rushing to get the store ready because Friday night there was a Harry Potter Festival in New Hamburg. There were thousands of people out, many dressed up as characters from the Harry Potter books. If you are a Harry Potter follower, maybe you can answer a question for me. There were many ladies with bright pink hair-does that have something to do with the story? Beth didn't know but maybe someone out there does.
When we got back into Ancaster (around 11:30pm) Beth suggested we go by Chapters to see the line up. You couldn't get near the store-the parking lot was full and if you have been there you know that it is huge. Beth went yesterday morning to get her copy. She is reading away-she wants to get the book done before someone ruins the ending for her.
Lots of orders arrived this week.
We received a large shipment of Rayon Boucle from Fiesta yarns. One skein will knit this great shoulder scarf. You can also wear this tied around your waist as a bathing suit cover up. These are the four new colours for fall.
Jasper arrived from Berroco. Book 266 has 8 patterns that use this yarn. Joyella looks like it would be fun to knit. We will have a sample of this in the store soon. Berroco is knitting it up for us but they weren't finished when the yarn was shipped.
The shipment of Bearfoot sock yarn from Mountain Colors arrived. There are four new colours-Eureka, Red Willow. Sapphire Trail and Sun River. I almost started a pair of socks this week-to which many of you are gasping-the colours are amazing and I love colour. I have knitting to finish for the Knitter's Fair and Gone Stitchin' Weekend and I stopped myself from starting something new (it isn't easy to do).
How about Big Brother this past week? I never thought Jenn would put Joe on the block. He was starting to grow on my but I really didn't want Dick to go yet. He is going to cause problems in the house which always adds excitement to the show. This is the first time where the house hasn't been dividing into alliances yet.
Hell's Kitchen will be interesting tomorrow night with the teams merging. I don't think the men will be able to work with the women.

Lots of orders arrived this week.

The shipment of Bearfoot sock yarn from Mountain Colors arrived. There are four new colours-Eureka, Red Willow. Sapphire Trail and Sun River. I almost started a pair of socks this week-to which many of you are gasping-the colours are amazing and I love colour. I have knitting to finish for the Knitter's Fair and Gone Stitchin' Weekend and I stopped myself from starting something new (it isn't easy to do).

How about Big Brother this past week? I never thought Jenn would put Joe on the block. He was starting to grow on my but I really didn't want Dick to go yet. He is going to cause problems in the house which always adds excitement to the show. This is the first time where the house hasn't been dividing into alliances yet.
Hell's Kitchen will be interesting tomorrow night with the teams merging. I don't think the men will be able to work with the women.
New Arrivals
Busy Monday
I haven't spend much time in front of the computer this week. I started a post on Monday, saved it and then never published it. Here is that post.
When I checked my Visa statement online this morning, there was a very special charge. Mountain Colors has billed me which means that the new Bearfoot colours are on their way. I am hoping to have them by the beginning of August.
I think I accomplished a lot today but it doesn't feel like it.
I had to stay at home for the morning waiting for the installation man from Home Depot to come-we now have a garage door opener. While I was waiting for him to finish I worked on a newsletter for Beth's company, sent out emails about Stitch N' Pitch, packaged up an order to ship out, send out Gone Stitchin' confirmations and downloaded CD's into iTunes.
My dad needs my truck for the next couple of days (very important business that I can't talk about until the deal is done) so I had to have it washed and cleaned inside for him. There is a great place called Suds across from Limeridge Mall. I think it cost me $30 and the inside and outside are spotless.
I have been in contact with customers and other yarn shops about Stitch n' Pitch. Many say "I don't like baseball". Think of this as a night out with fellow knitters that just happens to be taking place at a Blue Jay game.
When I checked my Visa statement online this morning, there was a very special charge. Mountain Colors has billed me which means that the new Bearfoot colours are on their way. I am hoping to have them by the beginning of August.
I think I accomplished a lot today but it doesn't feel like it.
I had to stay at home for the morning waiting for the installation man from Home Depot to come-we now have a garage door opener. While I was waiting for him to finish I worked on a newsletter for Beth's company, sent out emails about Stitch N' Pitch, packaged up an order to ship out, send out Gone Stitchin' confirmations and downloaded CD's into iTunes.
My dad needs my truck for the next couple of days (very important business that I can't talk about until the deal is done) so I had to have it washed and cleaned inside for him. There is a great place called Suds across from Limeridge Mall. I think it cost me $30 and the inside and outside are spotless.
I have been in contact with customers and other yarn shops about Stitch n' Pitch. Many say "I don't like baseball". Think of this as a night out with fellow knitters that just happens to be taking place at a Blue Jay game.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Old News
I wrote this message last Tuesday night. I thought I had published it but obviously I didn't. As I am approaching 40 the mind is starting to go!!
Here are the dogs. Melo is just outside the kitchen and Roko is lying at the front door (the dining room is on the left). Roko is looking quite innocent here. When I got home from work tonight he was drinking out of Beth's toilet!!

This is my Dream in Color shrug-the picture was taken a few days ago. I am now done seven of the nine repeats-it might be finished during Big Brother tonight. (I have since finished the shrug and am just waiting to block it)
Hell's Kitchen was great last night. I think Gordon picked the women's team to win the challenge so he could go to the photo shoot with them and not the men. Melissa is gone-thank goodness.
All of our California Shutters are up now. They look amazing-well worth the money.
I know that I am forgetting to mention something. If it comes to me I will add another post later tonight. I'm off to make dinner-we do that in this house.
Here are the dogs. Melo is just outside the kitchen and Roko is lying at the front door (the dining room is on the left). Roko is looking quite innocent here. When I got home from work tonight he was drinking out of Beth's toilet!!

Hell's Kitchen was great last night. I think Gordon picked the women's team to win the challenge so he could go to the photo shoot with them and not the men. Melissa is gone-thank goodness.
All of our California Shutters are up now. They look amazing-well worth the money.
I know that I am forgetting to mention something. If it comes to me I will add another post later tonight. I'm off to make dinner-we do that in this house.
Roko and Melo
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Back to an old project
I am sitting at my kitchen counter working on Beth's laptop. The network in our house is working great!! Big Brother is on right now. Dick just laid into Jen-hysterical.
I have picked up the Asymmetrical jacket again. Here is a picture for those of you who don't know what I am talking about. The neck shaping has been started on the second piece. The body should be done this week and then I can start the sleeves.
Beth brought home a couple of bags of Yosemite for me to knit a throw for the living room. The picture doesn't do the colour justice but it looks great in the room.
Kelley-thanks for the martini glasses. They have been getting a workout!!

Kelley-thanks for the martini glasses. They have been getting a workout!!
Asymmetrical Jacket
Friday, July 13, 2007
Knitting lessons

I owed my Thursday night class one more lesson so we had it last night in my house. They arranged everything and decided we were going to have ice cream sundaes. I am not sure if wine and ice cream mix but I think the ladies had fun. Thank you so much for the great gifts you brought!!
I am almost done my Dream in Color shrug. I have 10 rows of ribbing and then finishing. It needs to be blocked before I sew so it might sit for a couple of days.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Yarn Search
I need help finding a skein of yarn for a customer. We are looking for Rowan Summer Tweed in colour 535-it is a sort of denim/purple. Wannietta-do you have some of this lying around?
Monday ramblings
The drive to Toronto this morning took 2 hours. The meeting went well but we have lots to do before the game. So far 100 tickets have been sold but we are aiming for 1000. Because the game is quickly approaching we are having another meeting on Wednesday morning.
I stopped at Best Buy on the way home and bought the new Love CD. It is downloading into iTunes right now and sounds great.
What was up with all the crying on Big Brother last night? I would have nominated Jenn just for her crying over her picture.
Don't forget about Hell's Kitchen tonight-Melissa on the men's team is going to be interesting.
The dates and times for the tent sale have finally been decided.
Tuesday August 14-the store will be closed during the day to get ready. The tent sale will be from 5-9pm
Wednesday August 15-7am-3pm
Thursday August 16-11am-3pm
I think that these times should accommodate everyone. We will be offering 10% off if you pay cash for your tent sale yarn. Also, on Thursday any yarn left will be marked down.
I stopped at Best Buy on the way home and bought the new Love CD. It is downloading into iTunes right now and sounds great.
What was up with all the crying on Big Brother last night? I would have nominated Jenn just for her crying over her picture.
Don't forget about Hell's Kitchen tonight-Melissa on the men's team is going to be interesting.
The dates and times for the tent sale have finally been decided.
Tuesday August 14-the store will be closed during the day to get ready. The tent sale will be from 5-9pm
Wednesday August 15-7am-3pm
Thursday August 16-11am-3pm
I think that these times should accommodate everyone. We will be offering 10% off if you pay cash for your tent sale yarn. Also, on Thursday any yarn left will be marked down.
Tent Sale
Sunday, July 08, 2007
More squares

Eleven squares are now complete and I am half way through number twelve. I am hoping to have it complete for the Knitter's Fair.

Yesterday was Beth's birthday so we had friends over last night. We have a WII (video game for the tv). Everyone loves coming over and playing it. It is more interactive than most video games-you can golf, play tennis, box, bowl and you are actually moving around to do this.
My computer room is up and running in the house. I have internet access now and my new printer is working. I have it set up through the network-no ugly cords on the desk.
Tomorrow morning is the first meeting for Stitch N' Pitch. We are meeting at the Rogers Centre (formerly SkyDome) at 10am. What time do you figure I need to leave Ancaster to make it in time?
Lizard Ridge
Friday, July 06, 2007
Big Brother
I forgot to mention Big Brother in my last post. It is going to be a crazy season!!! There are already a few that I want to leave the house and we've only watched one episode. I am glad that the three surprise guests can't be voted out the first week. They are going to add an interesting twist to the show.
Gotta run-I'm going to be late opening the store and I only have to go down a flight of stairs.
Gotta run-I'm going to be late opening the store and I only have to go down a flight of stairs.
More knitting to report

These are some pictures from Las Vegas. There is an amazing Conservatory in the Bellagio. It is a must see on every visit. The display of flowers is to die for and I'm not a flower person-can't grow them to save my life. The theme this trip was Route 66. The display gets changed seasonally which must take many hours with many people working.

Lizard Ridge
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Knitting again
I am in the apartment quickly writing this before going to work. My internet hasn't been moved over to the house yet. Bell hasn't been cooperating. They wouldn't accept the move order from my internet provider until the house phone was hooked up (Friday). Then Monday was a holiday so Bell looked at it yesterday. They said that by Monday it would be working. Luckily after some begging they said tomorrow. I am sure that if we had Sympatico it would have been moved already!!
We got our washer and dryer hooked up last night and a few loads of laundry done. It will take some getting used to-there are many, many more settings than with the small washer and dryer we have now.

I actually got some knitting accomplished in the store yesterday. I picked up Lizard Ridge again. With the arrival of the new colours of Kureyon I couldn't wait to work with them.
Here are some pictures of our living room. The California shutters are coming tomorrow. It will be nice to have some privacy!!

There is still more work to do-notice the empty shelves above the fireplace? We also need art work but didn't want to start buying that until we got a feel for the house.
We have Cogeco cable in the house now with a DVR on one tv. We could tape Hell's Kitchen and watch it after guests left on Monday night. How about Melissa-what a bitch!!!
We got our washer and dryer hooked up last night and a few loads of laundry done. It will take some getting used to-there are many, many more settings than with the small washer and dryer we have now.

I actually got some knitting accomplished in the store yesterday. I picked up Lizard Ridge again. With the arrival of the new colours of Kureyon I couldn't wait to work with them.
Here are some pictures of our living room. The California shutters are coming tomorrow. It will be nice to have some privacy!!

There is still more work to do-notice the empty shelves above the fireplace? We also need art work but didn't want to start buying that until we got a feel for the house.
We have Cogeco cable in the house now with a DVR on one tv. We could tape Hell's Kitchen and watch it after guests left on Monday night. How about Melissa-what a bitch!!!
Lizard Ridge
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