Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

This and That

I made it home safely very early this morning. Yesterday we had huge storms in Myrtle Beach and they moved with me to Charlotte. Our flight from Myrtle to Charlotte was rough-one of the worst flights I have ever been on. At one point we dropped and people on the plane screamed. It was a fast flight-we arrived in Charlotte 15 minutes early which is a lot on a 50 minute flight. Got to Charlotte with time to get a bagel and Starbucks. Then the storm hit Charlotte. The flight to Buffalo was delayed by 2.5 hours. By the time I got to Ancaster it was 4 this morning. I'm a bit tired this morning and hungry. Missing my french toast from Cracker Barrel.

More luggage came home with me than what I took. I have been searching for bedding for mom and dad's new house. Nothing here was calling to me so I looked in Myrtle. What a selection. I was emailing pictures to Beth and texting her names and websites to look at. We decided on this.

King size comforters don't pack easily. I bought a duffel bag and did a lot of squishing to get the zipper closed. The shams and bed skirt made it but the throw pillows are still in Myrtle Beach.

I wasn't even in the door this morning when Mr. Canada Post showed up with a box from madelinetosh. There were two colours of merino light and two colours of Vintage. Two pick up notifications were in the mail box so I think there are more boxes to be picked up tonight.

This is cathedral. I want a sweater in this!! I love purple and brown together.

I'm thinking tea leaves but there is another colour that I want for that. If you have any pattern suggestions, let me know.

Yesterday I showed one of the new bags coming from Offhand Designs. Here it is again with the other new bag called Iris.
Here are some of the fabric samples for Marcella

And a few for Iris

I picked up my knitting (way too tired to be straightening shelves or putting away yarn) and ran into a small snag on the Breezy cardigan. I am knitting two balls at once. One ball ran out while I was away and I joined in a new ball. The second ball ran out in the store this morning but I don't have another with me. The colour isn't on the shelf either so I can't roll another ball. Being resourceful I decided to use the ball I had from both ends-the centre and the outside. This will let me knit a few rows until I can get the other ball at home tonight.

It's almost home time. I'm meeting mom and Beth at my parents townhouse to see the progress so far. They are there at least once a day (my dad sometimes two or three times) and I haven't been there since Thursday. Then I'm off to bed. It is hard to keep my eyes open right now. A couple hours of sleep, a couple hours of knitting and then a good night sleep.

1 comment:

Irene said...

I don't know if you watch Jimmy Falon on Late Night television, but he often writes thank you notes. I thought of your experience with the plane ride, thinking you need to write a note saying thank you to pilots who land, with living passengers. What a time you've had. Love the bedding. Love the merano woollllll too.