Sale Saturday September 14th

Thursday, May 17, 2012


I took some quick photos of my knitting this morning. My sales rep Kathryn is coming in to show me fall yarns and books from Debbie Bliss, Noro, Sirdar.... and I probably won't have time to get some good pictures outside.
This mannequin is great for taking pictures of my knitting because she is a plus size model. When I put my garments on a regular mannequin they look really funny.
I got one row past dividing the body and sleeves while watching Criminal Minds last night.

I found the rest of my yarn this morning. Thank goodness. Now just lots of stocking stitch while I am away. Perfect for in the airport.

I went online last night to look at my bank account and visa statement and there was a charge from madelinetosh. Yarn should be shipping to us tomorrow or Monday. I don't know yet what will be in the box but I think some vintage, sock and merino light

Mr. Melo had to go back to the vet today for more work on his ear. They think they might need to cut open the incision, drain out the ear flap and then put in more stitches. Hopefully they can do it with a local and don't have to put him out.

It is going to be a busy evening so I'm going to finish my post now. Chiropractor. Appliance shopping. Pick up the dry cleaning. Laundry and pack. Wind balls of yarn. Knit and watch Grey's Anatomy-I have a feeling there could be some tears tonight.

1 comment:

Lois Evensen said...

Such pretty purple!

Sure hope Mr. Melo's ear is OK. Poor guy.