Sale Saturday September 14th

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Appearances aren't everything

My MacBook has been running very slow lately so I decided to go through and clean it up. I'm trashing old photos and documents that I don't need.

When I was going through the pictures I found this one of Roko. It is my favourite picture of him.

He looks like an angel. This is why you should never judge someone by their appearance. :)

Kidsilk Haze Stripe and Kidsilk Creation Stripe have a new home.

It is beside the window and the sun coming in makes for bad pictures.
I'm going to let you in on a little secret-Kidsilk Haze Stripe is going to have 6 new colours for fall.

Furniture shopping last night was interesting to say the least. We got the dining room table and the white chairs. Mom and dad didn't want to spend a lot on the furniture for the guest bedroom. We saw two different sets at Urban Barn but mom had picked something out at a different furniture store that was cheaper. I voiced my opinion but was reminded by Beth that it is their house. They asked us to meet them at the other store after Urban Barn. Beth and I walk much faster than mom and made it to the furniture before them. All the way there Beth kept reminding me that it was their house. The furniture was truly awful. When mom got there Beth blurted out that is was ugly. Mom was a bit devastated but we convinced her that the other furniture wasn't that much more and looked so much better.

Beth and I went back to Urban Barn and bought this bed. Much better!

The staff at Urban Barn Hamilton (who were amazing to deal with-looking after everything we needed and answering our many, many questions) thinks our family is truly nuts and they probably aren't too far off. :)

Tonight is the Annual Meeting for the complex we live in. I haven't been to one of these meetings but Beth has. She said it was seriously boring. I will definitely have my knitting with me.


Lois Evensen said...

Your puppy is incredible. And, I take my knitting with me just about everywhere, too. I had it with me today in the waiting room while My Honey was in the dentist chair. It's amazing how much I got done while he got done. ;)

Linda in Waterloo said...

He looks like a little woolly bear. Lovely furniture.

Teresa said...

I think it's a sad truth, but most meetings are way seriously boring!