Sale Saturday September 14th

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Kate's Here

I was up really early this morning-7:30. That is sleeping in for many of you but I never see that hour of the day. I wanted to get to the store early and get the classroom tidied up. Kate Atherley is with us again today teaching workshops on finishing and continental knitting. 

Kate always brings projects to show off and today she had Bigger on the inside. I took a few quick pictures before class started.

Kate said that the yarn (Solemate from Lorna's Laces) blocks out beautifully. It is darker in real life than it shows in the pictures on Being hand dyed there is a slight colour variation in the yarn.

Kate will be back in August. I think she is going to teach Finishing and Your First Lace Shawl. I will have more details about this in the next couple of weeks.

Beth and I finished Top Chef Season 4 last night and started into Season 5. It is great watching TV with no commercials. The only problem with the show is that I want to watch them cook so I put down my knitting. I'm not accomplishing as much as I would like to. It's time to finish my post and get the needles out.


Lois Evensen said...

Very pretty. The subtle greys and blues blend beautifully.

Sally said...

Once again Kate, thank you for a wonderful day of learning. Can't wait until the next class.

Julie, thank you very much for having Kate in your shop. Had a great time. I can now do two socks at the SAME time with continental AND regular knitting ! ! ! ! !