Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Special Hours this week

The store was supposed to be closed this week while I was in Chicago at the yarn trade show. Since I’m here I will open but with limited hours. 

Are you looking for a spring/summer/fall sweater? Take a look at Sabela.

Sabela is worked seamlessly in rounds from the top down. First some short rows are worked back and forth to shape the neck. The yoke is shaped by using a modified version of the contiguous set-in sleeves method developed by Susie Myers. When the yoke shaping is complete, the sleeve stitches are placed on hold and underarm stitches are cast on. The body is then worked in rounds to the hem. The sleeve stitches are then picked up again to work them in rounds top down to the cuffs (instructions for both short and long sleeves are provided). Neck is left unfinished.

This pattern from Isabell Kraemer can be purchased on Ravelry. The sweater is knit in fingering weight yarn. You can use cotton or wool. Knitters on Ravelry used Le Petit Lambswool, Crazy Zauberball, Malabrigo Sock, Hedgehog Sock and Skinny Singles. There are so many more options - here are all the yarns that would work. Someone used Rowan Kidsilk Haze held double strand.

Dad Update

Dad is progressing. He is starting to talk more and sometimes throws a full sentence at us. We are taking his newspaper to him and I think he is reading it. When we walk the halls he reads the signs that are hanging. Until now he has been eating all meals in his room. Today they reopened the dining room so he goes for lunch and dinner. I was there at lunch time and took him. I had him find his name tag on the table and he recognized his name. He sat down and introduced himself to the lady across the table. Baby steps but we’re going in the right direction. 

I’m going to sign off now and wish everyone a good evening. There hasn’t been much knitting. I’m going to try and do a bit tonight. 


Monday, April 29, 2024

LYS Day Customer Garments

Thank you to everyone who wore in garments on Saturday.

Pamela is wearing Minetta that she knit in Arranmore Light. The cardigan is stunning!

Kathleen did a deep dive in her stash to knit Andrea Mowry’s Weekender. This is Rowan Cotton Jeans. My guess is that the yarn is 15 years old - what a great way to use up stash.
Doreen is wearing Only Good Vibes. She used Hedgehog Skinny Singles and Alpaca Boucle.
Robin has two garments. These are both self designed patterns knit with Noro. Robin has many patterns available on Ravelry.

Frances knit leg warmers for her daughter. This is a Martin Storey pattern knit with Rowan Felted Tweed.

It was going to be Beth’s job to take pictures outside but …. I also missed getting a few pictures when it was crazy busy. Susan G came in wearing her Traveler Shawl. Her name is going in the draw and I will get a picture of her on another visit. I missed another picture. Shelly wore in a sweater knit with stash yarn. If I missed anyone else I am sorry.
Nicole placed an order online but couldn’t get to the store in time. She sent a picture
I hope you had a great LYS day at your shop today! Unfortunately I could not make it in, so thought I would share this pic of my Hug Shot shawl. It was made with LITLG fingering yarn in the colours Mineral and Evergreen, from the Needle Emporium of course! 
I have been coming to your shop since my oldest daughter was born (now almost 27!), and I still have some of the projects I made for my kids when they were little. Thank you for being such a great part of the community!
I haven’t done the draw. Beth and I were busy running around today. So busy that we missed an important meeting at the bank. 👿. Thankfully they were understanding and we are going Wednesday morning.
Fred has moved in. When we can’t find him he is on my bed. He still looks for dad but he is being a really good boy. The only thing he has ruined so far is dad’s wallet. Beth had it up on the counter and Fred got it down and now dad needs a new wallet.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came out for LYS Day and those who ordered online. We had a wonderful day. Everyone was extremely patient. We had no idea how many people would be in and we were stunned. It was amazing. I want to also thank Lynn and Alex again. I couldn’t have done it without them.
If you didn’t get any of the Love Your Local Yarn Shop colour from Emma’s there are some skeins left.

The store will be open this week but I need to figure out the hours. Dad starts his therapy tomorrow. Once we know his schedule we can make our visiting schedule. I will have an update tomorrow and I will post here and on the website. Dad is improving a bit every day so we are very thankful.

It’s been a really long week. I had a nap this afternoon but need to rest a bit more. Have a good evening and I’ll be in the store tomorrow packing orders. If you have a pick up I’ll be there from 11am-2pm

We should see our next Hedgehog order by the end of May. Here are a few of the beautiful colours coming.

Friday, April 26, 2024

We’ll see you tomorrow

We’re almost ready. I have a bit of printing to do tonight and tomorrow morning I need to get the website set.

Another Thank You to Lynn and Alex. They worked in the store today getting everything set up.

Dad Update
They moved dad to the Rehabilitation Centre this afternoon. He is doing good. When I walked in he said ‘Hi Jules’ which is the first time he used my name. All the doctors and nurses I met were great. We are very lucky with the care he is getting. 

Now it’s time to sign off. I have a secret assignment for tomorrow 🧁. Lynn and I will be ready for you at 10am.

I forgot something when I first hit Publish.
We have kits for Pressed Flowers on sale in the store tomorrow. 3 skeins of Primrose Roan with 3 skeins of Dream State. I loved making this shawl and I put together a few combinations. I can help you choose your own colours tomorrow as well.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

More LYS Day

I’m going to start by thanking Lynn and Alex. Lynn worked Monday, yesterday and today. She will be back tomorrow and Saturday. Alex was in today and will be working the next two days. They straightened and filled shelves, made kits, cleaned, swept, unpacked orders and packed mail orders. Alex also sewed in ends on my Traveler Cowl as well as on my Alpine Bloom. I haven’t been able to sew them in and want to wear Alpine Bloom on Saturday. We wouldn’t be able to host LYS Day if it wasn’t for them.

Knitting Fever (our supplier for Juniper Moon, Noro and Lykke) is holding a LYS Day Draw.
  • Purchase $50 or more of yarn and/or needles from Juniper Moon, Noro and Lykke on Saturday April 27th and Sunday April 28th
  • Send a copy of your receipt (purchases made online or in the store) to SocialMedia@knittingfever.com before May 5th
  • They will draw one name for every 20 entries they receive
Emma’s sent QR codes with pattern suggests for the LYS Day kits.

Emma’s mom (Laura Dobratz) owns a yarn shop in Florida and designed this cowl. 
“Love Your LYS” cowl pattern by Laura Dobratz would look sooo perfect in our “Love My Local Yarn Shop” colorway with any of the suggested coordinating colors! 

If you purchase 2 skeins of Practically Perfect Halves this Saturday or Sunday and we will give you a download code to get the pattern free on Ravelry.

Here is a link to the yarn on our website. The LYS Day colour will go live Saturday morning.

Dad Update
There was some progress today. Beth went down this morning and he was up walking. He was speaking more and was understanding questions a bit better than yesterday. He knew that the Leafs lost and the score so that is a huge positive. I went this afternoon and he was fast asleep. When he woke up he wasn’t as ‘awake’ as this morning but he was better than when I visited yesterday. Beth is on her way home from another visit. Dad was good. Not as good as this morning but better than last night. We have to keep telling ourselves that this will take time and any improvement is amazing. We also have to remember that he gets tired easily and needs lots of sleep. Mornings will probably be his best time for a while.

Now it’s time to say goodnight. We didn’t watch much TV last night because we were so tired. I was awake early and in the store before 9am. It’s almost bedtime.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Thank You

Beth and I want to thank everyone who has emailed, called, stopped by the store and left messages on the blog. It feels great to have so many people thinking about us.
Mr. UPS brought a huge box from Emma’s today. All LYS Day yarn will be available online Saturday at 8am and at 10am in the store. Right now the store is closed next week but I have scheduled pick up from 11am-2pm on Monday. Once we see how things are going I will try and add more pick up days during the week. There could be some time when the store is open as well. Keep watching the blog.

This is the Theme Pack dyed on Practically Perfect. I put it together with a skein of Practically Perfect Sock for Ambah’s Grevillia. I think Lemongrass looks amazing!
Love + Leche.

Dad Update

There was a bit of improvement today. Beth went down this morning and the physical therapist was there. They got dad up and went for a walk. He walked on his own slightly leaning on the physical therapist. He is allowed soft food and fed himself breakfast. Yogurt which he has never eaten before but he ate it. I went this afternoon and he was a bit more responsive than yesterday. His eyes were brighter and he spoke a few words. Beth is on her way home from the evening visit. She got dad’s TV hooked up this afternoon. He was asleep when she arrived but when he woke up he was fascinated by the TV. The Leafs are on and that will keep him occupied tonight.

Now a bit of knitting before bed. There is hockey and baseball on. We also have The Amazing Race, Survivor and Master Chef. I will not stay up late. I will not stay up late. HA HA. It’s going to be late.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Here is the Casapinka LYS Day pattern for 2024. I will be putting together kits and they will be available to preorder on the website. Here are the first kits with more coming all week.

This is the LYS Day Cowl. It requires 2 skeins of fingering weight yard and is simple. I used two 400 yard skeins of fingering and this version uses about 2/3 of a skein of each color but directions will be included to use it all (just continue on with the repeats.) I used one variegated and one solid color.

Anyone who purchases 2 skeins of fingering weight yarn on Saturday and everyone who purchases a kit will receive a download code for the pattern. The pattern must be downloaded on Saturday April 27th or Sunday April 28th. If you don’t download that pattern on those dates then it becomes a paid pattern. 

Emma shared pictures of the LYS Day colour on Instagram this afternoon. These will be going live on the website at 8am on Saturday and we will have them in the store at 10am Saturday morning.
We will have Practically Perfect Sock in half skeins (Practically Perfect Halves). The complimentary colours are also coming in Halves.
The Theme Pack that is coming in Practically Perfect Sock, Super Silky and Simply Spectacular DK.

I am going to ask for everyone’s patience for the near future. Last night my dad had a stroke. He is in Hamilton General and they are taking amazing care of him. We don’t know what the future holds and I don’t know what I will be needed to do for his care. He has been moved to the Stroke unit and they start therapy tomorrow. We are still going ahead with LYS Day. I was supposed to go to Chicago next week to see the fall yarns. I am cancelling the trip but I am not sure what days we will be open. Everything is up in the air right now. Please keep reading the blog and I will provide updates.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

LYS Day Pattern Suggestions

Last year for LYS Day we brought in Emma’s Yarns Super Silky 2 Colour Combos. These were well received and we have new combinations for this LYS Day. 

These are perfectly paired combos of Emma’s Yarn Super Silky. Made from 80% Superwash Merino Wool and 20% Silk, this yarn has a gorgeous drape and elegant sheen that looks and feels so soft! One 2-ply skein is 100g and 400 yards making it the perfect yarn for a fine-gauge wrap or shawl! Each skein is hand dyed with love and care by Emma.

Here are some pattern suggestions.

Good Vibes
Breathe and Hope
Hug Shot

Ambah’s Delphinia

Soundwaves by Laura Dobratz (pattern purchased on Ravelry)

This is Ambah’s Striation Scarf that can be knit with 2 skeins of Super Silky or 1 skein of Super Silky and one skein of Marvelous Mohair. WHAT?? We also have some kits coming that are one skein of fingering with one strand of mohair/silk.
These combinations are not available on the website yet. I will get them up for preorder this week.

We have a new Theme Pack coming. The colour is still a secret but here is a pattern suggestion.


You will need one full skein of Practically Perfect Sock and a Theme Pack. I loved making this shawl. I really need/want to make it again.

I started this post yesterday but then Blogger decided it was taking a break in the afternoon. It was finally working again at 8pm by but that time I was nicely knitting in my chair watching hockey and baseball.

There is another hockey game on the TV so it’s time to say goodnight.