Sale Saturday September 14th

Monday, December 14, 2009

Wrapping Paper

I am someone who likes everything to match like trying to carry a brown purse when wearing brown shoes.

The main room in our house is browns and pale turquoise. For our first Christmas in the house I went out and bought Christmas decorations that matched. The house looked great last Christmas. This year we are setting up the tree in the basement. Beth and I are hosting Christmas dinner (for 25-30) and most people will be eating downstairs. We also do a gift exchange so that way the gifts will all be under the tree. The other reason for putting the tree downstairs is purely lazy. This way I don't have to carry all the boxes of decorations upstairs. Big problem. The basement is painted hunter green. The decorations don't go. Today I went out and bought new red and gold tree decorations at Pier 1. I definitely didn't pay what I did for the original decorations!!!

You are probably wondering why I have included a picture of wrapping paper. Well, I wanted my paper to match the tree. I have been collecting all year. Beth started wrapping gifts tonight and after the first one proclaimed that there was a problem. The paper won't look good under the new tree. I put these all away and pulled out all the other wrapping paper that was in greens and reds (the traditional stuff).

After rereading this I think that I might need to talk to someone very soon. There might be a problem.


Heather said...

I like my paper to match my tree too. No one ever seems to understand that.

I have a blue/silver set of decorations and a red/green/gold set. All depends on how I feel when it comes to tree decorating time.

Unknown said...

What's wrong with wanting things to match. I like things to match. You can talk to me .... I understand!

PS No my tree is not pink!!!!!